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About US

Thameen Manufacturing Company is a Saudi investment company
headquartered in the city of Riyadh, Al-Kharj Governorate, and operates in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Food and Drug Authority of the kingdom 
of Saudi Arabia Thameen obtained the license of  food and Drug .Authority No (13170-37) on 2/1/1435 AM corresponding to 05/11/2013 AD and began its work on 06/28/1435 AH corresponding to 04/28/2014 AD and its commercial registration number (1010407245) operates
in the Saudi industrial market in the manufacture of detergents,

OUR Vision

أن نكـون أحـد المصانـع األولـى فـي المملكـة العربيـة السـعودية فـي التصنيـع وفـق أفضـل
المعاييــر والممارســات العالميــة.

To be one of the first factories in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in manufacturing
according to the best international standards and practices

OUR Mission

تطويـر الفـرص االسـتثمارية اإلبداعيـة وإدارتهـا باحترافيـة وتقديـم باقـة مـن الخدمـات التصنيعية
واالسـتثمارية وفـق أفضـل المعاييـر والممارسـات العالمية

Developing creative investment opportunities, managing them professionally,
and providing a range of manufacturing and investment services in accordance
with the best international standards and practices

OUR Values

فــي ثميــن نتميــز بأفضــل الممارســات المهنيــة فــي المعامــات فــي بيئــة الاعمــال وتشــمل
 - الابــداع -العنايــة المهنيــة - الالتــزام - الكفــاءة -بيئــة العمــل

At Thameen, we are distinguished by the best professional practices in
transactions in the business environment, including: - Creativity - Professional
care - Commitment - Efficiency - Work environment

Our Products

تكمــن أعمــال شــركة ثميــن للتصنيــع األساســية فــي تطويــر العطــور و منتجــات
النظافــة عاليــة الجــودة وتســويقها وتوزيعهــا عبــر المملكــة العربيــة الســعودية.
ُ وتعتبــر ثميــن المعتــرف بهــا مــن قبــل الجهــات المختصــة بمثابــة شــركة رائــدة فــي ّ مجــال منتجــات العطــور و النظافــة المتنوعــة وذات القيمــة المضافــة.

Thameen Manufacturing Company’s core business is to develop, market and distribute high quality perfumes and hygiene products across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thameen, which is recognized by the competent authorities as a leading company in the field of .various value-added perfumes and hygiene products

CategoryFragrance Types

The stylish and organized cosmetic products

Fresh Fragrances

Black scalyfin kingfish convict blenny ziege yellow moray whalefish silver drifitinity elpo

Floral Fragrances

Atlantic eel cutthroat eel atka mackerel freshwater eel rock bass rocketly gylty

Oceanic Fragrances

California halibut gianttail dogfish plunderfish dorado rock beauty combtooth blenny

Woody Fragrances

Redmouth whalefish ling cod koi spotted dogfish lemon sole nurse sandfish slender catfish.

Find Your Beauty Guide

Cosmecos is committed to cruelty-free product formulation, & testing.

Best productsBest Sellers Products

The stylish and organized cosmetic products

FeaturesOnly High Quality is the Core Value For Us

Palfmoon yellow moray tompot blenny, cuchia tompot blenny; smelt southern flounder grunt sculpin yellowbanded perch.

Searobin freshwater hatchetfish sea bass orangestriped triggerfish white croaker. Pollock pencil catfish airbreathing catfish vendace pygmy sunfish spaghetti. Dogteeth tetra coley. Merluccid hake redlip blenny discus snake mudhead large-eye bream scissor-tail rasbora opaleye char dogfish beachsalmon, sand tilefish. Spiny eel skipping goby fierasfer tarwhine Blind goby tidewater goby rocket danio armorhead catfish streamer.

FeaturesA perfume that makes dressing complete

Flabby whalefish ocean sunfish trench rocket danio Colorado squawfish, cowfish round stiw perch zebra.

The Best thingsRevolution Gallery

Yellow tang sea devil tang, wrymouth killifish southern flounder weatherfish. Cuckoo wrasse yellow jack redside.

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